I’m Jen McNerney, NET Practitioner, CPCRA, Theta Healing Practitioner, & Energy Healer

Healing Modalities that get to the Root

Hi, I’m Jen McNerney, I am a root cause frequency practitioner, specializing in modalities that get to the root of our imbalances in the body, mind, and spirit. My pivot in career shifted about 6 years ago as I started to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually into more alignment of the person I am actively becoming. I say this in the present tense because no mentor or professional has arrived…the journey is on-going. On my own healing journey I learned a few root cause modalities that transformed me and my family so much so that I passionately delved into learning each one and continue to deepen my proficiency with these techniques. I am traditionally trained as a speech language pathologist, yet have unfolded into a practitioner who activates an authentic expression of self in others. I now utilize and continue to discover modalities that release anything that is not of highest alignment in the body, mind, and spirit.

Neuro Emotional Technique

NET is a mind-body technique that uses the methodology of finding and removing neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress patterns.  These unresolved patters are called Neuro Emotional Complexes (NECs).

Emotional responses are naturally ‘hard wired’ in the body.  A stimulus happens, we respond, and then the body should return to normal.  Occasionally, however, emotional trauma in the presence of a neurological or meridian deficit can cause a physio-pathological pattern in the body (an NEC) that does not resolve itself.  NET seeks to normalize this patter by a physiological change; a result of a physical intervention that is made through the cutaneous or spinal accesses of the nervous system.  NET is a tool based on many scientific principles and is used to help improve many behavioral and physical conditions.  It is used by healthcare practitioners from many disciplines.  

In January of 2021 after attending many trainings and seminars within the modality of NET, I passed my test to become certified in this technique. I utilize it within my practice in almost every session if there is a root imbalance that is has physiology that is stored or unresolved that is emotional.

Contact Reflex Analysis

Contact Reflex Analysis® is a technique that analyzes the energy that flows through every organ, gland, and cell in your body. A shift in muscle response indicates dis-ease or imbalances of this subtle energy within a patient – which can over time lead to disease.

The goal is to bring energies back into balance so healing can happen naturally… With CRA, doctors and practitioners have a priority-based system that allows them to integrate all their techniques and tools and quickly determine the right thing at the right time for each patient so healing can occur.

I remember the first time I was among other healthcare professionals and I learned about CRA. I had a protocol done on me to get me back to balance, and I had a personal profound shift on my healing journey because of CRA. I knew I had to learn this technique to bring to others. Delving right into various seminars I soon became part of the 1st certification class of practitioners in this technique in May of 2023.

I absolutely LOVE this technique to get to the root of people’s energetic imbalances and then I get to put my unique tools on a menu to help each person back to homeostasis and optimal flow of energy to every organ, gland, and cell in the body.

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